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As Hong Kong mourns the loss of eight innocent lives, I remember a Mark Twain saying that my teacher used to teach us about the nature of suffering.
I don't remember the exact wording, but it says something like: people are often deeply moved by loss of lives and the shedding of blood, but every day greater suffering is inflicted on people without the loss of lives and without the shedding of blood.
So I mourn the loss of my sister almost a year ago.
How we miss our cowgirl.
And then I know even greater suffering is being inflicted on the people she left behind.
We need all the courage to move on, to face the suffering, and to heal the wound.
Pray for us, Cowgirl. We all heard you sing:
And although he goes grazin' a minute away
She tracks him all night she tracks him all day
And she's blind to his presence except to compare
Her injury here with his punishment there
Seems you are touching on the realities of living. It is very true that people are often deeply(or emotionally) moved by loss of lives and the shedding of
blood, triggered like in these 2 days by the Phillippines episode, but every day suffering without
the loss of lives and without the shedding of blood could be as intense. Thank you for sharing.
[版主回覆08/26/2010 13:28:00]喜遇知音!