漫步 Chianti (之二): The Magic of Le Pergole Torte

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我這個杭州痴也喜歡用蘇學士的比喻來欣賞 Sangiovese 之美﹕無論是 Le Pergole Torte 的淡妝或 Cepparello 的濃抹,都表現了 Sangiovese 的千姿百態,不同的面相,但同樣的美。

參見前文﹕漫步 Chianti (之一): The Renaissance of Sangiovese




事實上, Le Pergole Torte 常被酒評人拿來與 Burgundy 相提並論。說起來,我對 Le Pergole Torte 的興趣,最先是來自 Joseph Bastianich and David Lynch Vino Italiano 一書中的描述﹕

It has always been positioned as a Grand Cru Burgundy as grown in Chianti Classico.




上星期想去杭州卻去不成,作為補償,我帶了兩瓶 Montevertine 的新酒與好友酒聚﹕2007 Le Pergole Torte Montevertine Rosso Montevertine Rosso 相當于一瓶 basic Chianti Classico ,而 Le Pergole Torte 則是一瓶 single cru




湊巧的是,朋友帶來了一瓶 Joseph Roty 2003 Gevry-Chambertin Premier Cru Les Fontenys,真是心有靈犀!

Le Pergole Torte Les Fontenys 的香氣各有千秋,但論口感和餘韻, Le Pergole Torte 明顯地比 Joseph Roty 高出很多,這令我們四人同樣感到驚訝。




這瓶酒我在原瓶內透氣了半天才帶到餐廳,我在家品試時發現酒比較緊閉,所以下杯以後我故意喝得很慢,讓酒慢慢發展。我發現三個小時之內,酒不斷在變化,迷人的香氣除了典型的 red cherries 以外,還有 sweet scents perfume ,清甜與很 delicate 的果味久久不去,像個說書的人,故事講完一個又一個。可惜我們一個晚上把他喝光了,如果留到第二天,應該更精彩。




Montevertine Rosso 沒有 Le Pergole Torte 的複雜性,但有如絲的質感,自然的鮮甜味,而且早已盛開,論可口一點都不比 Le Pergole Torte 差。

Antonio Galloni 評論 2007 Le Pergole Torte 時曾寫道﹕

It will give even the finest Grand Cru Burgundies a run for their money.

又是 Burgundy




喝過十個年份的 Le Pergole Torte 以後,我有稍為不同的看法。我認為 Le Pergole Torte 最像 Soldera ,他們年青時同樣有一種輕紗一樣的體形,而且果味天然,像直接從大地泥土而來。待陳年以後,好的年份的果味常有一種 intensity ,所以我曾把 Soldera 的特性概括為 The Unbearable Lightness of Intensity Le Pergole Torte Soldera Chianti 版本;由于他處于崎嶇的山地,所以相對于 Brunello 帶著多一份粗豪,稱他為 The Rustic Soldera 應該很貼切。

十個年份的 Le Pergole Torte* ,令我最深印象的有兩個特點﹕


2. true vintage 而沒有真正的 poor vintage


*十個年份分別是﹕1980 1985 1988 1990 1992 1995 1997 2003 2004 2007



我去年十月喝過 1985 。酒在原瓶透氣半天仍然緊閉,我唯有把¼瓶換瓶,這才嘗到有一點力度的甜味,但層次欠奉。



Here it comes!  Takes so much time to open up, and when it does, it’s a jewel!  Weightless purity of Sangiovese fruit.  Does not have the intensity of Soldera, but this is its character: shes a lady!  Radiant — 不吃人間煙火! The decanter last night cheapened it!  Amazing length of sweetness that just goes on and on.  Purity!


Nose almost like a mature Barolo, with dense and complex nose of floral elements, some sweet, rose like scents.  Taste is a big, complex, intense sweetness, exploding in the mouth.  Good fine tannins.  At its peak now, and it now recalls Soldera, but a more rustic (Chianti) version.




同一個月喝的 1990 Riserva 活力更驚人。





同樣在原瓶透氣半天,也同樣不得要領,我只好再次把¼瓶換瓶。兩個小時後,發現香氣與味道都有種很結實、深沉的力量, dark and firm fruit ,收結有點苦,有一陣子我幾乎以為這是 Cab !我心裏覺得奇怪﹕最有 Bur 味的 Le Pergole Torte 此刻怎麼會更像 Bordeaux 呢?


A smoky and earthy nose.  Taste is more mellow today, medium body, rather simple.  Not particularly attractive.  What a big change!


第三天, Bordeaux 變回 Burgundy !我的筆記﹕

At first, a tiny bit of oxidation, with a faint nose of roses and menthol, like a Barolo that has been put away for a long time.

[½ hr] medium body, a little sweetness, very shy, no intensity;

[1 hr] some intensity of sweetness finally;

[1 ½ hr] This is now the elegant Le Pergole Torte!  Balanced and elegant instead of powerful and concentrated.

我翻查資料,才知道 1990 Le Pergole Torte 一個比較奇特的年份。當年 Sergio Manetti 釀了三大桶酒,他發現其中一桶比其餘兩桶更好,便把這桶酒標為 Riserva

回想起來,這瓶 1990 Riserva 真的像 1990 Monfortino 那麼難以處理,我的另一瓶看來要再放十年才好踫他。如果真的要今天喝,唯有用比較長時間換瓶的下策,又或者在杯內透氣兩三個小時。

吾友 Kevin Tang 五年前喝過 1990 Riserva 之後寫下如下的筆記(他們一般是換瓶的),從中可以看到這瓶酒的威力﹕

Fast your seat belt! A compelling roast herbs, nuts, Sweet, jammy and plum like. Gops of fruit. Concentrated and lots and lots of black fruit and glycerin. On palate, can you believe a wine with such an explosive nose is so silky and velvety? Consummated with tobacco, plums and hints of meat!

(見﹕Classic Super-Tuscans and Chianti Riservas from great 1990 vintage

經此一役,我絕對不敢小看 Sangiovese 的陳年能力,更絕對不會認為Le Pergole Torte Burgundy 那麼好處理。





舊年份中,以 1988 最成熟可口。這是瓶全然成熟的 Le Pergole Torte ,氣味是 mineral , meat and earthy ,入口如一盤熟透的紅櫻桃濃汁,silky, sweet and earthy,與我們幾個月前喝過的 1985 Soldera 何其相像!




以上都是比較好的年份,但比較差的年份也難不倒 Le Pergole Torte

在前一篇 漫步 Chianti (之一): The Renaissance of Sangiovese裏我已介紹過 1980 。當時我說﹕Sergio 的目標是a wine of elegance, perfume, and good persistence in the mouth,在最差的 1980 竟然也做得到。




更有趣的是 1992 。我一直有印象 1992 是比較差的年份,所以只是抱著姑且一試的心情。原瓶透氣半天以後,我發現酒越來越有味道。氣味是 underbrush, 乾花、很泥土,但最特別的是有一種很濕潤的感覺,連味道也是如此。我從下午試到晚上有如下的筆記﹕

A subtle nose of ripe cherries, a wet feeling.  Taste is a pure, understated elegance: shadows rather than light.  Noble.  Nature was different, as Monica Soldera said Continues to add weight and tannins.  Good length Now has a pretty good weight, and richer body, only that acidity is a touch high and fruit a touch low A slender kind of beauty, recalling Solderas 2002: supple, decay feeling, and some bitter finish.  Wet, wet, wet this must have been a wet/overcast year!


好奇心之下,我便翻查資料,想知道在 1992 年究竟發生了什麼事。

Nicolas Belfrage 如此說﹕

One of the worst years ever.  Steady downpour through September caused widespread rot.

難怪!如果1990 Riserva 是無比陽剛氣,那麼 1992 是陰柔的極致。我想我難以說 1990 Riserva 一定比 1992 好,正如 Monica Soldera 曾經說得那麼好﹕Nature was different

更有趣的是,我留下半瓶第二天帶去與幾個平時少喝酒的好友分享,同場的還有 Castello di Ama Chianti Classico 和地位崇高的 single cru 2001 Bellavista

拿這幾瓶酒比較,我的好友竟然更喜歡 1992 Le Pergole Torte ,其中一位與我們半年後再見面時還念念不忘這瓶酒。

事實上, 1992 Le Pergole Torte 在第二天的確更好喝,我記下的印象是這樣的﹕

At the point of slight oxidation, but pure and extremely good length, with a deep sweetness of fruit, wet and deep and pure.

這瓶 1992 Le Pergole Torte 我至今難忘。如果要我選去年最佳的十瓶酒,這肯定是其中一瓶。我最近也喝過 Soldera 1992 Instistieti ,當年由于年份不理想, Soldera 沒有推出 Brunello ,而只出一瓶名為 Intistieti  Vino da Tavola Table Wine 之意),這瓶酒問題是果味不足,比 Le Pergole Torte 差太多了。

所以我說﹕ Le Pergole Torte 只有 true vintage 而沒有真正的 poor vintage

還有,一般人說 Le Pergole Torte Burgundy,大概是針對新年份來說。酒仍然緊閉的時候有種比較飄逸的感覺,故引起 Burgundy 的聯想。



Le Pergole Torte 的魔力究竟從何而來?要我去猜,我想原因有二﹕

1.Le Pergole Torte Montevertine 的其他葡萄園地處近 500米的崎嶇山地,令葡萄的生長季節不會過熱,也抑制了 Sangiovese productive 的傾向;另外,高地的日夜溫差也讓葡萄的 phenols 成熟得更透徹;

2.酒莊的「自然主義」哲學,或曰傳統手法。Nicolas Belfrage 總結 Montevertine 的傳統法為﹕where the winemaker has not gone for excessive concentration in terms of color, fruit, tannin, or extract generally Martino Manetti 講得更直截了當,他說他的方法是﹕do everything we can to non rovinare (not ruin) the wine and beyond that, as little as possible。多麼老子,多麼 Giulio Gambelli Martino 曾說﹕Giulio has always been our consultant, our friend, our padreterno (god)

如果你一輩子只想喝一瓶 Sangiovese this is it





The First Family of Sangiovese di Chianti Martino Manetti 與他的女兒 Gloria,後面的照片是父親也是酒莊創辦人  Sergio

(照片來源﹕ Nicolas Belfrage The Finest Wines of Tuscany and Central Italy )

Sangiovese 的執著在意大利也是少見的,讓我從酒莊的網站引以下的一段話來結束本文﹕

We have deliberately avoided cultivating other types of grapes such as Cabernet, Pinot Nero or Merlot because we want to distance ourselves from the worldwide trend.  Some say that the aforementioned grapes reflect the current globalized taste.  And what happens if one day, after an excessive production, we are bored by such grapes?  Switching back to traditional grapes would take many years.  And, after all, isnt it altogether possible to make great wine from Sangiovese?  Our own experience says yes, especially when the Sangiovese in question is Tuscan, even if the results obtained with this variety in other parts of the world have not necessarily been encouraging.


8 則評論在 漫步 Chianti (之二): The Magic of Le Pergole Torte.

  1. 之前總是覺得去品酒會一瓶酒分個一兩杯,這種喝法有喝跟沒喝一樣.現在看到版主的形容,頓時覺得我拿新酒去餐廳花個兩三小時喝完的喝法,其實也接近有喝跟沒喝一樣的狀況..
    [版主回覆03/30/2011 17:53:00]品酒會、選美、與一人一票的選舉有些共通的地方,但只要接受這是無奈的做法,不過分認真,倒也無所謂。

  2. 能長些時間相處當然更好。在這幾方面,酒與人似乎沒有兩樣。 呢方面相信好多年輕人要多學習^^
    [版主回覆03/31/2011 14:29:00]The answer is blowing in the wind …

  3. 小弟亦有Le Pergole Torte  2004, 06及07. 連80及90年代的都有真的大開眼界!
    [版主回覆03/31/2011 14:35:00]我想我是幸運的,因為有一雙在意大利的手常常護著我。
    與 Barolo 不一樣,很多 Sangiovese 酒年青時已經很好喝,但有耐心等他一、二十年收穫更大! 

  4. This is my Italian friends' "drank" list two wks before, they said all are good stuff!  pergole Torte 2007 percarlo 2007 doccio a matteo chianti riserva 2007 princic – pinot gris 2005 lambruschi – vermentino sarticola 2008
    [版主回覆04/25/2011 09:41:00]Percarlo is an extrovert, as Le Pergole Torte is an introvert.  Take your pick!

  5. Re-read. This is very informative and well-written. Thanks.
    [版主回覆05/14/2011 09:31:00]We hope to visit Montevertine two weeks later.  Highly anticipated!

  6. 請問先生, Le Pergole Torte 在香港那裡可以買到
    自我喝了一支1999的Le Pergole Torte 後, 我迷上了她
    我想再多買幾支試試, 但在香港到處找都找不到……
    [bailay回覆11/03/2011 08:22:03]感謝感謝
    [版主回覆11/01/2011 17:10:13]也可以試試 Concord Wines (www.concordwines.com.hk),可以找 Kevin Tang( kevin_tang@concordwines.com.hk)。祝你好運!
    [版主回覆10/30/2011 07:36:38]這瓶酒可遇而不可求。1999 我自己也只藏有一瓶,還沒開。建議你試試英國的 Fine + Rare。

  7. 早上去了酒莊參觀,我發現Le Pergole Torte的葡萄園是朝北和西北,和我印像中的好園不一樣。相當幸運的見到了莊主本人,還拿到簽名,聽當地酒業人員說,他不太善於社交.


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