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任人家怎麼說,我認為 Nebbiolo 是意大利乃至世界上最偉大的葡萄。
沒錯,Barolo 的缺陷是他只懂長跑,即使 Langhe Nebbiolo 也要十年八年才好喝。但 Nebbiolo 不光是 Barolo,正如 Burgundy 豈止是 Vosne Romanee?只要閣下肯移步往北走 150 公里,便可以找到更「友善」的 Gattinara、Ghemme 等七公主(指 Vercelli 與 Novara 山的七個 DOC/DOCG 產區);你願意往東北走 300 公里,便可以抵達位於 Lombardia 地區以北的 Nebbiolo 北方邊塞 Valtellina,這裏的 Nebbiolo 取了個女性名字 Chiavennasca,他們的酒也表達了這種葡萄最溫柔的一面。
奇怪的是,長久以來,Valtellina 的主要市場不在意大利而在北鄰瑞士,英美的酒評人對他幾乎視若無睹;就以 Robert Parker 為例,他有史以來只評過 6 個莊共 50 款酒。
懷著對 Nebbiolo 的忠貞,我們去年到 Vinitaly 專門去試了這個冷門產區的多款酒(見報告﹕踏進意大利酒的世界(內篇之六)Vinitaly 3﹕Valtellina)。回來後,我馬上訂了一批酒,等足一年,終於可以與朋友第一次正式品試。
是晚酒單搜羅了三個主要子產區(Sassella、Grumello 與 Inferno),和三種酒款(Rosato,Valtellina 和用風乾葡萄釀造的乾紅 Sfurzat)﹕
0. (Rosato) Aldo Rainoldi, Rosato, 2013 |
1. Ar.Pe.Pe, Rocca de Piro Grumello Riserva, 2010 [basic Valtellina] |
2. Ar.Pe.Pe, Fiamme Antiche Inferno Riserva, 2010 [basic Valtellina] |
3. Ar.Pe.Pe, Vigna Regina Sassella, 2005 [Riserva Valtellina] |
4. Ar.Pe.Pe, Buon Consiglio Grumello, 2005 [Riserva Valtellina] |
5. Aldo Rainoldi, Sassella Riserva, 2000 [Riserva Valtellina] |
6. Aldo Rainoldi, Inferno Riserva, 2000 [Riserva Valtellina] |
7. (Sfurzat) Aldo Rainoldi, Fruttaio Ca' Rizzieri, 2000 [Sfurzat or Sforzato] |
除了 Rosato 以外,所有酒在 24 小時以前開瓶,之後拔塞在原瓶呼吸。
首先出場的 0. (Rosato) Aldo Rainoldi, Rosato, 2013 在兩個小時前開瓶,很清新的花香,酸度好,入口像咬著一根細細的鋼絲,這分明是正牌的 Nebbiolo!
這個產區有一款入門酒名 Rosso di Valtellina,對應 Barolo 地區的 Langhe Nebbiolo,我們今天沒有選。以我一年前果日開的一瓶 Ar.Pe.Pe, Rosso di Valtellina, 2011 為例,有乾花香氣,圓潤兼酸度好,幾乎感覺不到丹寧的存在,感覺有幾分像 Chianti Classico,作為入門酒,比 Langhe Nebbiolo 親善多了!
我們接著試兩款高一級的 Valtellina Superiore,這個 DOCG 規定含最少 90% Nebbiolo,採收後 2 年推出(其中一年在木桶),而高一個級別的 Riserva 則起碼要 3 年後才可以推出(2 年在木桶)。
Ar.Pe.Pe 這個莊有兩個等級的 Valtellina Superiore,都用了 100% Nebbiolo,而且都在大木桶陳年兩年以上,所以都可以稱為 Riserva。我們先試基本的兩款,同在大木桶陳年兩年,分別來自兩個子產區 Grumello 和 Inferno。
第一回合的 1. Ar.Pe.Pe, Rocca de Piro Grumello Riserva, 2010 比較害羞,微弱的乾花和香料,口感纖細,丹寧細緻;2. Ar.Pe.Pe, Fiamme Antiche Inferno Riserva, 2010 開放一點,更像個粗眉大漢,有很泥土的香氣,丹寧也粗壯一點。
兩者其實都不太開放,但優雅往往更得人喜歡,所以這回合由 1. Ar.Pe.Pe, Rocca de Piro Grumello Riserva, 2010 以 10﹕2 取勝。
一個半小時後的第二回合,兩者都敞開了,1. Ar.Pe.Pe, Rocca de Piro Grumello Riserva, 2010 散發著乾玫瑰花瓣和一些草藥的香氣,表現優雅;2. Ar.Pe.Pe, Fiamme Antiche Inferno Riserva, 2010 很奔放,從杯底噴上來的香粉令大家喝采,果味更豐富,結構感也更好。去年我們聽 Aldo Rainoldi 的莊主解釋說這裏的田是產區中最陡的,氣候如地中海那麼熱,可以種植熱帶水果,因此有「煉獄」(inferno)之稱。
這回合大部分人移情給 2. Ar.Pe.Pe, Fiamme Antiche Inferno Riserva, 2010,令他反勝 9﹕3。
從這兩款酒我們留意到﹕首先,兩塊田距離不遠,但一陰一陽,性格分別很大;另外,那麼新的年份已很好喝,這在 Barolo 是不可能的。
我們去年還拿了 1. Ar.Pe.Pe, Rocca de Piro Grumello Riserva, 2010 與酒莊的另一小區 Sassella 作比較,結果發現 Ar.Pe.Pe, Stella Retica Sassella Riserva, 2010 優雅而且有層次,1. Ar.Pe.Pe, Rocca de Piro Grumello Riserva, 2010 則以細膩的果味為特色。
總結這三塊田的表現,再一次驗證了我去年在 Vinitaly 試酒得到的印象﹕Sassella 像 Barolo 村、Grumello 似 La Morra,而 Inferno 則貼近 Monforte。
在第一回合,3. Ar.Pe.Pe, Vigna Regina Sassella, 2005 有頗強的乾花香氣,和一種有點髒的泥土、礦物氣味,酸度好,丹寧也恰到好處,最特別的是層次感很好,有 Barolo 村的影子。4. Ar.Pe.Pe, Buon Consiglio Grumello, 2005 以果味為主調,帶些鹹味的礦物,整體融合得很好,喝來舒服。
這回合喜歡 4. Ar.Pe.Pe, Buon Consiglio Grumello, 2005 的人稍為多一點,結果以 7﹕5 先勝出。
有趣的是兩者都在第二回合變得更有活力,3. Ar.Pe.Pe, Vigna Regina Sassella, 2005 的香氣變得更像鮮玫瑰,整合得更好了。4. Ar.Pe.Pe, Buon Consiglio Grumello, 2005 的果味變得更有勁度和深度,La Morra 的特性更明顯。
兩款酒其實都很精彩,其中 Sassella 似乎進步較大,可惜一位支持者喝得太舒服了,突然很優雅的睡著了,以致結果仍然由 4. Ar.Pe.Pe, Buon Consiglio Grumello, 2005 以 6﹕5 險勝。
最後一雙是另一酒莊 Aldo Raindoli 的旗艦酒。2000 年在 Barolo 是比較熱的年份,但在 Valtellina 則冷熱參半,所以酒比較平衡。
早上小試時,5. Aldo Rainoldi, Sassella Riserva, 2000 已經有一種嗆鼻的野花香氣,到晚上第一回合更爆香,類紫羅蘭花香,很明亮的果味,漂亮的酸度,但一切出得很自然。這是個大美人!
可能因為用了全新法國小木桶,6. Aldo Rainoldi, Inferno Riserva, 2000 有些煙燻的香氣,但桶味還算融合得不錯。果味很亮麗,感覺很重,有幾分 Barolo 的影子。
第二回合兩者都更新鮮和更香,其中 5. Aldo Rainoldi, Sassella Riserva, 2000 以花香為主(玫瑰),丹寧細緻,超級優雅!6. Aldo Rainoldi, Inferno Riserva, 2000 則像樹林發出的各種香氣﹕松香、帶煙燻的香粉,泥土與礦物味較多,因此感覺也更複雜,但果味仍然是焦點所在。
這回合由 5. Aldo Rainoldi, Sassella Riserva, 2000 以 6﹕5 僅勝。
我們的終樂章是用風乾葡萄釀造的 7. (Sfurzat) Aldo Rainoldi, Fruttaio Ca' Rizzieri, 2000,有明顯的葡萄乾香氣,但在第一回合不太開放,口感較簡單,像一般的乾紅多於超濃的 Amarone。
Wine of the Night
這位師姐最喜歡的也是今天的 WOTN — 5. Aldo Rainoldi, Sassella Riserva, 2000,12 人中拿了 7 票之多。
第二名是拿 4 票的 6. Aldo Rainoldi, Inferno Riserva, 2000。
第三名是拿 1 票的 3. Ar.Pe.Pe, Vigna Regina Sassella, 2005。
看來大家蠻喜歡 Sassella 的。
兩款 2000 當然有陳年的優勢,但這也證明他們流著 Nebbiolo 的血液。
另外我留意到這幾款酒常帶一種乾花和草藥或泥土的香氣,看來這是 Valtellina 的標誌。Burton Anderson 提過 Valtellina 是一種山地酒,常有阿爾卑斯山上的香草與野花的香氣(Alpine herbs and flowers),大概是指這種氣味。所以 Valtellina 是山地版的 Barolo,我們也可以說這是真正的 Piedmontese Nebbiolo,因為 Valtellina 位於阿爾卑斯山的山腳(Piedmont 是山腳的意思),而 Barolo 所在地的 Langhe 嚴格上說不過是橫貫意大利南北的 Appenine 山脈的北端丘陵地帶。
Burton Anderson 在他的 The Wine Atlas of Italy (1990) 對 Valtellina 有很詳盡的介紹,我試抄錄部分於此供大家參考(見原書第 81, 85-86 頁)﹕
The story of Valtellina’s emergence as the only major producer of Nebbiolo wines outside Piedmont seems a fascinating one, though some of the background details aren’t clear. The valley’s first vines may have been planted by the ancient Liguri, who had experience building terraces back home, or even by Etruscans. It seems likely that native varieties — including the still active Rossola, Pignola, and Brugnola — preceded Nebbiolo’s arrival, which some accounts put in the Middle Ages and others during Napoleon’s conquest in the late eighteenth century. Whatever the case, it came to be called Chiavennasca and developed some local traits. The name seems to refer to the nearby town of Chiavenna, but insiders say that it comes from the dialect term ciu vinasca, or “most vinous” because of its grapes’ suitability for wine. Among the peoples who possessed the Valtellina, the Swiss have kept a standing claim. Not only do they own a good share of the vineyards but they consume much of the wine, which can be brought across the border duty free. That is why the Valtellina is sometimes alluded to as a binational wine zone …..
The Valtellina wines differ from Barolo or Barbaresco in their leaner structures, paler garnet orange colors, and more austere constitutions, attributed to the mountain atmosphere. But hints of anaemia can be deceptive, for some superiore has the stamina to outlast its Piedmontese cousins. With age flavors soften and expand and bouquets become richer with scents of what are often described as alpine flowers and herbs …..
The wine region offers a panorama of steeply sloping vineyards against a backdrop of the perennially white-capped Pizzo Bernina at 4,050m in the Retiche or Rhaetian Alps. The mountains serve as a protective barrier against cold northern currents, trapping heat in the narrow valley walled to the south by the Orobie Alps and to the west by the Adamello, enabling vines planted mainly on terraces facing south to grow at heights up to 800m. Day-night temperature fluctuations can be sharp in summer, but air currents from Lake Como have a moderating effect that in most years allows for slow, even ripening in durable reds that need age to round out and develop bouquet. Hail, heavy rains, and landslides have ruined some recent harvest, though the usual threat to a good vintage is a cool alpine summer. Some slopes are so steep that grapes are relayed down in backpack baskets or buckets attached to cabled rigs. Lately, tiny monorail trains have been used to speed the grapes to the wineries … Most vineyards are planted in pebbly, siliceous clay soils, which in some cases have been carried up from the valley floor to fill in the grades or terraces or spaces between boulders. Landslides are a frequent problem, as in 1987 when torrential rains washed away sections of vineyards and flooded the valley. The hardship and expense of tending vineyards by hand are key factors in declining production.
Ar.Pe.Pe 的葡萄園(轉載)
借此機會我要感謝 Aldo Rainoldi 的莊主夫人。試酒會的兩瓶 2000 年佳釀來自酒莊的珍藏,我說我要與酒友一起分享,她便賣了兩個年份各兩瓶給我。皇天不負有心人,結果兩款都成為今天的 WOTN。但願有進口商有慧眼把這兩個莊引進市場。