The Big Hiring Freeze, by Robert Samuelson

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Here's something for you if you think Marx is no longer relevant. 

A spectre is still haunting America — the spectre of Capitalism.


The Big Hiring Freeze

Profit are up, but cost-cutting continues.

By: Robert J. Samuelson

Source: Newsweek, July 23, 2010


Prospective workers line up during a job fair. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)

Judging from corporate profits, we should be enjoying a powerful economic recovery. During the recession, profits dropped by about a third, apparently the worst decline since World War II. But every day brings reports of gains. In the second quarter, IBM’s profits rose 9.1 percent from a year earlier. Government statistics through the first quarter (the latest) show that profits have recovered 87 percent of what they lost in the recession. When second-quarter results are tabulated, profits may exceed their previous peak.

The rebound in profits ought to be a good omen. It frees companies to be more aggressive. They’re sitting on huge cash reserves: a record $838 billion for industrial companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (companies like Apple, Boeing, and Caterpillar) at the end of March, up 26 percent from a year earlier. “They have the wherewithal to do whatever they want—hire, make new investments, raise dividends, do mergers and acquisitions,” says S&P’s Howard Silver-blatt. Historically, higher profits lead to higher employment, says Mark Zandi of Moody’s Except for startups, loss-making companies don’t generate new jobs.

So far, history be damned. The contrast between revived profits and stunted job growth is stunning. From late 2007 to late 2009, payroll employment dropped nearly 8.4 million. Since then, the economy has recovered a scant 11 percent of those lost jobs. Companies are doing much better than workers; that’s a defining characteristic of today’s economy.

The most obvious explanation is that the relationship between labor and capital (to borrow Marxist vocabulary) has changed. Capital has gotten stronger; labor has weakened. Economist Robert J. Gordon of Northwestern University argues that the “shift of executive compensation towards much greater use of stock options” has made corporate managers more zealous cost-cutters in recessions and more reluctant hirers early in recoveries. Lowering the head count is the quickest way to restore profits and, from there, a company’s stock price.

In a new paper, Gordon dates the economy’s changed behavior to the 1980s. Until then, companies tended to protect career workers. Since then, “jobless recoveries” have become standard. After the 1990–91 recession, consistent employment growth did not resume for about a year; the lag was nearly two years after the 2001 recession. (The National Bureau of Economic Research, an economists’ group, determines the end of recessions, usually when economic output begins expanding. Job growth does not automatically coincide with output expansion. The difference reflects productivity gains—greater efficiency, or more output per worker.)

Aside from executives’ stock options, Gordon cites weaker unions and more competition from both imports and immigrants as subverting workers’ bargaining power. History also matters. The harsh 1981–82 recession threatened the survival of many firms. The near-death experience made managers more open to bigger layoffs. What started as a last resort slowly became routine. There was a generational change, too. Depression-era CEOs, highly sensitive to job insecurity, retired. Younger executives worried more about competitive challenges and corporate takeovers.

In hindsight, the massive job cuts of 2008 and 2009 should not have been surprising. “With the collapse of the financial system,” says economist Lynn Reaser of Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, “companies had to conserve cash desperately, [because] they couldn’t rely on outside financing.” So they savagely axed jobs, inventories, and new investment projects (computers, machinery, factories). From the fourth quarter of 2008 through the second quarter of 2009, business investment dropped at annual rates of 24 percent, 50 percent, and 24 percent. Nothing like that had occurred since at least the 1940s, Gordon notes.

“Businesses can’t cost cut their way to consistent profit growth,” argues Zandi of Moody’s “Eventually, they need to generate revenue growth that requires investment and hiring.” There are some favorable signs. Companies seem to have stepped up the replacement of aging computers; that could create new jobs. General Electric says its research-and-development budget is up 18 percent since 2006 and supports new products from batteries to solar films.

But it’s unclear whether corporate elites were so traumatized by the crisis that they’ve adopted a bunker mentality. That, as much as uncertainty over Obama’s policies, is fearsome. If labor is cowed and capital is overcautious, the recovery must suffer.

Robert Samuelson is also the author of The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath: The Past and Future of American Affluence and Untruth: Why the Conventional Wisdom Is (Almost Always) Wrong.

1 則評論在 The Big Hiring Freeze, by Robert Samuelson.

  1. Capitalism is still trying desperately to increase profits. Contemporary capitalism is now more finance driven then ever. It will finance its "profits" to its doom. It's just a matter of time!
    [版主回覆08/10/2010 11:27:00]Domination of finance capital is nothing new — see Lenin's Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism .  To me, what is new is this: almost the entire intellectual class are now on dope.  The capitalists therefore win by default.


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