Brunello Vintages according to the Consorzio of Brunello

Views: 236

Source: Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino website

Every year the Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino classifies the new wine production in order to Communicate the information regarding the Montalcino harvest and its wines Brunello di Montalcino, Rosso di Montalcino, Moscadello di Montalcino and Sant’Antimo.

The evaluation takes place in the months of January of every year, by having wine samples of the latest harvest undergo chemical/physical and organoleptic analyses.

The Tasting Committee that carries out the tests is made up of 20 technicians operating in Montalcino, with extensive experience in the production of this area.

The evaluation is expressed in stars, corresponding to the following classification:

– insufficent vintage (one star)
– fair vintage (two stars)
– good vintage (three stars)
– exellent vintage (four stars)
– outstanding vintage (five stars)

The declaration of the stars assigned to the vintage takes place in February each year, as part of the event "BENVENUTO BRUNELLO".

Commemorative tiles

Starting with the 1992 vintage, the Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino commissions a commemorative tile to place on the wall of the Town Hall in Montalcino. The tiles are created by people from the world of art, sport and show business, Italians and foreigners alike.  The tiles are ceramic, measure 30×30 cm and include the reference year and the number of stars assigned.

The plaques are hung in February each year during the event "BENVENUTO BRUNELLO".

Evaluation in stars of the vintages from 1945 to date


insufficient vintage *
fair vintage **
good vintage ***
excellent vintage ****
outstanding vintage *****

1945 altaltaltaltalt 1946 altaltaltalt 1947 altaltaltalt 1948 altalt
1949 altaltalt 1950 altaltaltalt 1951 altaltaltalt 1952 altaltalt
1953 altaltalt 1954 altalt 1955 altaltaltaltalt 1956 altalt
1957 altaltaltalt 1958 altaltaltalt 1959 altaltalt 1960 altaltalt
1961 altaltaltaltalt 1962 altaltaltalt 1963 altaltalt 1964 altaltaltaltalt
1965 altaltaltalt 1966 altaltaltalt 1967 altaltaltalt 1968 altaltalt
1969 altalt 1970 altaltaltaltalt 1971 altaltalt 1972 alt
1973 altaltalt 1974 altalt 1975 altaltaltaltalt 1976 alt
1977 altaltaltalt 1978 altaltaltalt 1979 altaltaltalt 1980 altaltaltalt
1981 altaltalt 1982 altaltaltalt 1983 altaltaltalt 1984 alt
1985 altaltaltaltalt 1986 altaltalt 1987 altaltalt 1988 altaltaltaltalt
1989 altalt 1990 altaltaltaltalt 1991 altaltaltalt
alt 1992 altalt
Roberto Turchi
alt 1993 altaltaltalt
Paul Leber
alt 1994 altaltaltalt
Sandro Chia

alt 1995 altaltaltaltalt
Oliviero Toscani
alt 1996 altaltalt
Pierluigi Olla
alt 1997 altaltaltaltalt
Deborah Compagnoni

alt 1998 altaltaltalt
Ottavio Missoni
alt 1999 altaltaltalt
Giorgetto Giugiaro
alt 2000 altaltalt
Emilio Giannelli

alt 2001 altaltaltalt
alt 2002 altalt
Roberto Cavalli
alt 2003 altaltaltalt
Omaggio a Duccio
alt 2004 altaltaltaltalt
Peter Weller
alt 2005 altaltaltalt
Riccardo Benvenuti
alt 2006 altaltaltaltalt
Adam Tihany

alt 2007 altaltaltaltalt
Giolito Dipartimento Design FIAT
alt 2008 altaltaltalt
Alessandro Grazi
alt2009 altaltaltalt
Tadashi Agi – Okimoto Shu

2010 altaltaltaltalt
Omaggio 150 anni Unità d'Italia
2011 altaltaltalt
Salvatore Ferragamo

1 則評論在 Brunello Vintages according to the Consorzio of Brunello.

  1. I drank a Biondi Santi Riserva 1981 last month. Out of this world!!!
    [版主回覆03/22/2009 18:04:00]Wow!  I'm still preparing myself for this Occasion.  Still slowly warming up to Brunelli.  I saw an '80s Biondi Santi Riserva in Watson's a while ago.  Told myself: keep the fish in the pond before I'm ready. 


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