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新出的一本是很實用的 The ECCO Guide to the Best Wines of Italy,作者 Ian D’Agata 是意大利人,有三十年品評意大利酒的經驗。口味主要是傳統的、本土的,甚合我的心意。
書的主體是多個不同題材的「酒單」,最重要的是「價格在 $100 美元下的最佳意大利酒」,包括紅酒 100 種、汽酒 15種、白酒 60種和甜酒 25 種。
最佳 100 種紅酒中的頭 25 種中有9 種以 Sangiovese 為主﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
1 |
97 |
Il Poggione |
Brunello di Montalcino Riserva |
5 |
96 |
Antinori |
Tignanello |
7 |
96 |
San Giusto a Rentennano |
Percarlo |
9 |
95 |
Felsina |
Fontalloro |
11 |
95 |
Frescobaldi |
Chianti Rufina “Montesodi” |
12 |
95 |
Fontodi |
Flaccianello delle Pieve |
14 |
95 |
Isole e Olena |
Cepparello |
15 |
95 |
Livio Sassetti – Pertimali |
Brunello di Montalcino |
25 |
94 |
Badia a Coltibuono |
Chianti Classico Riserva |
Piedmont 區有 5 瓶入榜﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
2 |
97 |
Bruno Rocca |
Barbaresco “Rabaja” |
3 |
97 |
Giacomo Conterno |
Barolo “Cascina Francia” |
10 |
95 |
Domenica Clerico |
Barolo “Ciabot Mentin Ginestra” |
13 |
95 |
Marchesi di Gresy |
Barbaresco “Martinenga” |
21 |
94 |
Bartolo Mascarello |
Barolo |
Amarone 有一瓶﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
20 |
94 |
Roccolo Grassi |
Amarone “Vigneto Roccolo Grassi” |
Sangiovese、Barolo/Barbaresco 與 Amarone 三大意大利名酒共佔了六成(15瓶),選得既合理也中肯。唯一問題是 Giacomo Conterno的 Barolo “Cascina Francia” 相信 $100 不容易買得到。
其餘的 10 瓶中,以國際葡萄品種(Bordeaux blend)為主的佔兩瓶﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
4 |
97 |
Il Macchiole |
Paleo |
18 |
94 |
Grattamacco |
Grattamacco Rosso |
來自南部 Basilicata 省,以100% Aglianico 釀造的佔了兩瓶。值得找來試試!
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
17 |
95 |
Elena Fucci |
Aglianico del Vulture Titolo |
22 |
94 |
Cantine del Notaio |
Aglianico del Vulture “La Firma” |
另兩瓶也是從南部 Puglia 來的,同樣以100% Negroamaro 釀造﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
6 |
95 |
Agricole Vallone |
Graticciaia |
24 |
94 |
Cosimo Taurino |
“Patriglione” |
來自意大利最大的 Sicily 島,並以 Nero d’Avola 為主的有以下兩瓶﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
16 |
95 |
Feudo Montoni |
Nero d’Avola Selezione Speciale “Vrucara” |
23 |
94 |
Donnafugata |
“Mille e Una Notte” |
意大利第二大島Sardinia有一瓶以Cannonau 為主的酒(Cannonau 是意大利版Grenache)﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
19 |
95 |
Argiolas |
Turriga |
最後一瓶,是中部 Abruzzo 地區用 Montepulciano 釀造的酒﹕
Rank |
Score |
Wine producer |
Wine |
8 |
95 |
Zaccagnini |
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo ” San Clemente “ |

書中另有一章選了 25 瓶「名氣酒」(cult wines)。不僅價錢貴,好的年份也特別難找得到。
Bordeaux blend 的 Super Tuscans 佔了幾近一半,另 Barolo 與 Barbaresco 佔三分之一。Bruno Giacosa 共有三瓶上榜,是最多「名氣酒」 的酒庄,應該算實至名歸。
Rank |
Type |
Wine producer |
Wine |
Vintages |
1 |
Piedmont |
Bruno Giacosa |
Barolo “Vigna Rionda” |
1971,1978,1982 |
13 |
Piedmont |
Bruno Giacosa |
Barbaresco “Santo Stefano” Riserva |
1971,1982,1978,1988,1989,1990 |
16 |
Piedmont |
Bruno Giacosa |
Barolo “Le Rocche del Falletto” Riserva |
2001 |
3 |
Piedmont |
Giacomo Conterno |
Barolo Monfortino |
1967,1982,1985 |
14 |
Piedmont |
Roberto Voerzio |
Barolo “Brunate” |
15 |
Piedmont |
Luciano Sandrone |
Barolo “Cannubi Boschis” |
1990,1985,1989 |
17 |
Piedmont |
Aldo Conterno |
Barolo “Granbussia” Riserva |
1989,1990,1985,1982 |
18 |
Piedmont |
Gaja |
Langhe Rosso “Sori Tildin” |
1982,1985 |
19 |
Piedmont |
Gaja |
Langhe Rosso “Sori San Lorenzo” |
1985,1990 |
4 |
Sangiovese |
Case Basse Soldera |
Brunello di Montalcino Riserva |
1983,1982 |
25 |
Sangiovese |
Avignonesi |
Vin Santo Occhio di Pernice |
6 |
Amarone |
Dal Forno |
Amarone |
trophy wine |
7 |
Amarone |
Quintarelli |
Amarone |
1979; any vintage |
2 |
Bordeaux blend |
Tenuta San Guido |
Sassicaia |
1985,1988,1990 |
5 |
Bordeaux blend |
Ornellaia |
“Masseto” |
1999 |
21 |
Bordeaux blend |
Ornellaia |
“Ornellaia” |
1997,1998,1988 |
8 |
Bordeaux blend |
Tua Rita |
“Redigaffi” |
2001,2004 |
9 |
Bordeaux blend |
Le Macchiole |
“Messorio” |
2001,2004,1997,1998 |
11 |
Bordeaux blend |
Le Macchiole |
“Scrio” |
2003,2004 |
10 |
Bordeaux blend |
Antinori |
“Solaia” |
1985,1978,1997,1998,2001 |
12 |
Bordeaux blend |
Tenuta di Trinoro |
“Tenuta di Trinoro” |
2001,1998,1999,2003 |
20 |
Bordeaux blend |
Montevetrano |
“Montevetrano” |
1997,1995,2005 |
22 |
Bordeaux blend |
Castello di Ama |
L’Apparita |
1987,1992 |
23 |
Bordeaux blend |
Castello dei Rampolla |
Vigna d’Alceo |
24 |
Bordeaux blend |
Principe Ludovisi Boncompagni |
Fiorano |
No longer made |
另一本很有名但已斷版的書是美國酒評人Sheldon Wasserman 夫婦合著的 Italy’s Noble Red Wines,1985年初版。在法國雄霸美酒的年代,這對夫妻卻像考古歷史家一樣,把意大利的酒中貴族公諸于世。書雖然舊,但要找意大利歷史名酒的酒庄與年份的資料,它依然是最好的。

我尤其愛讀他們對一些釀酒大師的介紹。 Piedmont 大師中,Wasserman 最欣賞的大概是 Bruno Giacosa 與 Bartolo Mascarello。
對 Bruno Giacosa 他是這樣寫的﹕
“A man of few words but eloquent talent, Giacosa has the ability to bring out a richness of flavor and an intensity of character in his wines, producing wines of meditation. The man is an artist.”

他如此描述 Bartolo Mascarello ﹕
“Bartolo’s wines are the epitome of balance, harmony, style, elegance, distinction, and character. Like his father’s wines before them, every bottle is a wine of meditation.”

他對 Chianti 著墨遠比 Brunello di Montalcino 多,而且對 Chianti 的不同區域產什麼風格的酒有很好的分析,這也是我頭一次看到的。
Wasserman 最推崇Chianti 的Monsanto 酒庄,尤其是產自 Il Poggio 葡萄園的Chianti Classico Riserva。
“It is in our considerable experience without question the single finest Chianti and one of the world’s vinicultural treasures … It is simply in a class by itself … the epitome of what a Classico can be … This is a wine for contemplation.”

Wasserman 最推許的Brunello di Montalcino 酒庄有三個﹕Altesino,Costanti 與Il Poggione(同樣拿4分滿分),今天仍然是上好的酒庄。有趣的是﹕Biondi-Santi 只拿兩分,因為質量不穩定。 Case Basse 拿三分,可能因為當時歷史尚短。
Amarone any vinatge is good !@!!!
[版主回覆07/02/2009 17:10:00]Which one(s) did you have? I had a 1998 earlier this year, but it was too young. Like rare paintings, these are so hard to find.
Very informative. Thanks a lot for sharing!
Wines of Mastroberardino & Paternoster in southern Italy are quite enjoyable too.
[版主回覆07/02/2009 23:06:00]Sure! Mastroberadino's Taurasi Riserva "Radici" from Campania is of course a classic and excellent value too. It ranks 34th in D'Agata's list of red wines mentioned above. Paternoster's "Don Anselmo" is 40th. That's why I think this is a good guide, with both breadth and depth. Thanks for your comments.
我飲過一些Allegrini既酒,覺得幾好,但對我來說貴了點,請問她的另一平民品牌Corte Giara既酒例如Armone質素如何?
Sorry, I mean Amarone
[版主回覆07/03/2009 11:47:00]Sorry I had no experience with Corte Giara. My experience with Amarone has so far been extremely limited, as I generally do not go for very strong bodied wines. What I can say is this: as with most Italian fine wines, a lot of the time it really depends on your personal taste, whether it is for more traditional style (long maceration and aging in big oak casks) or more modern style (short maceration and barrique aging). I go for a more traditional style, and therefore is no fan of Allegrini and Tommaso Bussola. Bertani and Quintarelli would be my glasses of wine. Suggest you try both a traditional and a modern producer, to see which style you prefer. As Amarones are wines for long-term aging, would be best to find an older vintage to try.
Oh….i kill one…99…..
[版主回覆07/03/2009 11:50:00]A '99 could kill anyone … it's so over powering.
Thank you for the useful advice. I was just given to know that the vinification disparity between traditional and modern producers also exists in making Amarone as it does for Barolo. A long footpath ahead for me to follow you guys.
[版主回覆07/03/2009 14:36:00]Landmines and relative lack of predictability are what make Italian wine fun! Sounds like Burgundy, heh? Enjoy the ride!
ladmine but always give you surprise !
[版主回覆07/04/2009 11:19:00]That's a good one!
There are just so many brilliant Italian Wines yet in HK, few people be like you to dig into them. Another great post indeed, thanks for sharing!
[版主回覆07/04/2009 11:05:00]It's like a long journey that has no end in sight once started. I've sent away most of my French bottles for outside storage now!
Glad that you like it!
well…I may have to take away some of my Bdx wines and trade them for Italian! But no way I would give up my Bougogne!!
[版主回覆07/04/2009 11:18:00]Makes me want to open a Bordeaux! Burg is still miles and miles away. I know I can't indulge in one more passion, not now!