
Views: 1340

這個月我們開了六瓶 1979



Ratti 大概已走到盡頭,今天只剩下一絲甜、一絲苦,還有老人特有的氣味。歷盡半生風霜,今天最奪眼的是他的酒標,這是同學少年時期的大作嗎?


Gaja 名氣最大,今年年初曾與意大利好友 Carlo 喝過其中兩瓶 single crus ,都很不錯,今天喝的三瓶,卻差強人意。頭一天酸得令人懷疑是否已患上絕症。放他一兩天,竟然醒過來, Sori Tildin 還有不錯的表現。年紀大了,小病難免。


Scarpa 是不見經傳的酒莊,想已消失很多年了,但這瓶 Barbaresco 卻風韻猶存,絕對比 Gaja 好。細心去找,意大利今天還有上百的 Scarpa


最令人開心的是這瓶 1979 Biondi Santi ,我們與 1982 Caparzo La Casa 一起喝, Biondi Santi 越喝越好,整體絕對勝過上佳年份的 Caparzo

我們愛 1979 ,愛這平凡的一年。

3 則評論在 1979﹕平凡的一年.

  1. Cheers
    Viva 1979
    What are you going to drink tonight?
    [版主回覆12/28/2010 16:59:00]3 bottles of Chianti, similar to the ones you had in your 1st lesson.  Mostly left overs from last night's dinner.  Interestingly, the twin daughters said their first experience with wine in Sydney was so poor that they are quite unprepared for how lovely wine is.  I told them we would have to carry on in Sydney, in Sam's place! 

  2. 很人性化的形容~
    [版主回覆12/29/2010 14:03:00]謝謝!那是因為喝酒的樂趣起碼三分之一來自人。

  3. All the best my friend for 2011. For even better friendship and tastings.
    [版主回覆01/01/2011 17:13:00]Guess my tasting will only get worse with age, but friendship is what I can guarantee.  
    May God bless and keep you always, may your dreams come true, may you always do for others, and let others do for you … that's from Bob Dylan.


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