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我開始學喝葡萄酒的時候,她整天忙于批改作業與備課,對我遞給她的酒,她往往是姑妄喝之。直到三年前我開了一瓶意大利的 1999 Argiano Solengo,她突然喝出味道來,不但讚不絕口,還開始對產區、葡萄品種等發生了興趣。此後,所有好喝的酒她都猜是意大利酒。


上星期好友來我家學品酒,我開了 2000 2004 Argiano Solengo


但我是絕對相信她的直覺的。以前聽古典音樂也發生過這樣的事﹕我放 Jacqueline du Pre 演奏的 Elgar Cello Concerto 的唱片時,她會丟下作業走出客廳,細看細聽究竟是什麼天籟之音。

我愛上意大利酒比她早不了多少。我是從一瓶不見經傳的 1998 Manfredi Barolo 開始的,我被他那種很深沉的絲絲果味吸引著,但當時什麼酒也在新嘗試的階段,所以也沒有深究。


我的藏酒以 Barolo 為最多


後來,我看到《華爾街日報》夫妻檔酒評人 Dorothy J Gaiter John Brecher 的一篇介紹 Barolo 的文章,才令我對這種來自意大利西北部的酒著迷。

話說當時正上演 Tom Hanks 主演的電影 Cast Away(港譯「劫後重生」),有讀者問他們倆人如果像 Tom Hanks 那樣被困在孤島,他們最希望有一瓶什麼酒?他們互相看對方一眼,馬上異口同聲說﹕Barolo

他們是這樣描繪 Barolo 的﹕

Barolo, to us, is a particularly life-affirming and enriching experience.  Made from Nebbiolo grapes, which are named for the fog that rolls in over the vineyards, it’s an extraordinary red wine, truly magical.  A good Barolo has plenty of fruit, but it’s so tightly wound that it seems almost concentrated, sinewy.  It has a taste of the earth, a soul and a power that make it special.  There’s something about Barolo that touches us deep in our souls.  It’s as though its tastes and smells register in our hearts, not in our mouths.  Incredibly, that becomes even more pronounced as the wine ages.  Most wines, as they get older, get rounder, softer, and more approachable.  Barolo gets tighter as it withdraws into the essence of itself.  The sense of the earth becomes even more pronounced.  What you get is pure fruit, with the wisdom of the grape.  (pp 199-200, The Wall Street Journal Guide to Wine)


長在阿爾卑斯山腳 Piedmont 區的 Nebbiolo 葡萄讓我想起黃山的雲霧茶。這種葡萄是意大利特有的,在世界其他產區還沒聽說有人能種得好。我想﹕在仙境一樣的土地生長的葡萄,才會有那種獨有的仙氣!


 Barolo Barbaresco  Piedmont 山區有如人間仙境



意大利的古文化來自伊特魯里亞(Etruscan culture)與羅馬文化。我們的漢帝國始于公元前206年,羅馬帝國則在60年後終于把希臘徹底征服並建成為時最長,橫跨歐洲的大帝國。



十四世紀始的西方文藝復興運動(The Renaissance)所復興的是古希臘與羅馬的文明,意大利幾乎可以說是這場運動的領頭羊。意大利當時的政治與軍事並不強大,但他們是文化的領導者。




達芬奇 da Vinci (1452-1519) 王陽明 (1472-1528) 是同時代人







但意大利人永遠搞不好這一套。他們學了法國多年,嘗試成立 DOC DOCG 這種產區制度,但他們的釀酒藝術家那裏受得了這種約束?所以意大利愛搞產區外的美酒,Super Tuscan 便是他們的偉大發明。意大利仍然有很多以傳統方法釀酒的小型酒廠,與法國波爾多的現代化與商業化大異,這也是他們深厚文化的產物。



大名鼎鼎的 Sassicaia Super-Tuscan 運動的始祖,1968年作第一次國際發行

Bartolo Mascarello  Barolo Bertani Amarone 同是傳統風格意大利酒的代表作

最近開始學意大利文,學到一個詞名叫“il Bel Paese”,字面直翻是“the Beautiful Land or Country”(這美麗的土地或國家),但意大利字典很簡單解釋這個詞的意思是“Italy”,這令我對意大利民族更肅然起敬!


6 則評論在 美哉斯土﹕意大利讚歌.

  1. Don't you think that Italian wines are generally overpriced?
    [版主回覆08/13/2008 15:28:00]Quite on the contrary.  They are extremely good value compared to French Bordeaux or Burgundy.

  2. I am glad to hear that.  I am more familiar with French wines though I am not biased anyway as far as their origin is concerned provided they are good and value-for-money.  Looking forward to learn more from you on Italian wines!

  3. 很特別的見解, 第一之來訪多多指教
    [版主回覆08/18/2008 13:24:00]客氣了,Your Excellency!

  4. I'm also an Italian wine lover, especially Barolo. I recently drank the 1990 Ceretto Bricco Rocche and 1998 Conterno Monfortino which were both wonderful.
    Your Giacosa Red Label is really tantalising but 1996 may take 20 more years to mature. The Scavino Annunziata Riserva is also a breathtaking wine.
    Wonderful collection!!
    [版主回覆08/23/2008 08:27:00]Grazie!  Where did you get your Conterno Monfortino?  Had a bottle of 1995 Aldo Conterno Granbussia, another great wine!  And 1995 seems to be such a good vintage, for both Barolo and Brunello.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. The Monfortino was from US.
    Just so happend that I'm currently planning a dinner with this wine list:
    1995 Monfortino vs 1995 Granbussia (Brothers' fight)
    1998 Giacosa Falletto (White Label)
    1990 Domenico Clerico Ciabot Mentin Ginestra
    2001 Giacosa Le Rocche dei Falleto Riserva (Red Label) ( I know she's too young but have another 2 in the cellar, so want to commit infanticide like you…hehe)
    [版主回覆08/23/2008 15:41:00]I'd better run for cover when that earthquake comes …


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