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今年 Vinexpo 期間令我最難忘的活動是萬巢之山的酒宴。
三年多之前,我在 Gambero Rosso 的試酒會初會「永遠十八歲」Elisabetta Fagiuoli,還記得她問我﹕Do you love my wine?
我找了她所有 11 款酒在家慢慢品試,也上過萬巢之山一看究竟,如果昔日我迷失過,今天我總算看得明白了一點。
而且我可以毫不猶豫的對她說﹕Yes I do。
難得這次有朋友特別從上海、廣州、珠海和台北各地來參加,我看沒有人不被 Elisabetta 的無比精力與堅毅所折服。她哪裏像個造酒的?
(粉紅)2015 Canaiuolo
(白)2014 Vinbrusco、2010 Carato
(紅)2014 Il Garrulo、2009 Sono Montenidoli、2014 Colorino
有一桌人對粉紅酒 2015 Canaiuolo 特別著迷,這要拜一位超級粉絲所賜 — 她一口咬定這是全世界最好的粉紅酒。受她影響的人不少,其中一位有個小酒圈,專門為朋友介紹好酒,但他費盡力氣也找不到足夠的數量,見到莊主,想請求她能否每年留給他一桶。
其實這款酒迷人的地方來自 Canaiuolo。本來在 Tuscany 最自然是用 Sangiovese 的,Le Cinciole 便有一款很出色的粉紅酒,但十八歲獨具慧眼,選了 Sangiovese 常年的配角來主演,取其香氣與柔和口感,並謔稱其為「窮人的香檳」。她的紅與白大多很有重量,所以需要一款不可承受的輕來平衡一下。
可是口味各有不同。坐在我旁邊的台灣朋友是個 Burgundy 愛好者,他認為粉紅酒不怎麼樣,2014 Colorino 也平常 — 不是不好,而是比較平鋪直敘,但其他幾款他覺得很好喝,一個晚上喝了一整瓶的份量也毫無醉意,但一回旅館便倒頭呼呼大睡到天亮,真的通體舒暢,想不到讓他的睡眠品質提升很多。他還說莊主的熱情與堅毅令他折服與敬佩,慶幸認識了這樣在靈性上會有所啟發的好酒。
2014 Colorino 是一款容或有爭議的酒。我看大部份人或會認同這位台灣朋友的評價,但有一位卻非常讚賞。我這次是第四次喝,不知道是年份不同(以前我喝 2011)還是處理得比較好,我得說這次實在好喝,平衡兼優雅,以往卻像 Syrah 的不羈。
Colorino 一如其名,是顏色深,口感比較稠密但味道中性的品種,所以是天生的陪襯品,專門用作混兌,與 Sangiovese 非常般配,但讓他當主角,總好像欠點甚麼。奇怪的是他今天的表現真的無可挑剔。意酒專家 Ian d’Agata 也非常稱許萬巢之山的版本,因為他不要求他扮演 Sangiovese﹕
How owner Elisabetta Fagiuoli manages to make a smooth, velvety and even charming colorino is beyond me, but then, witness her outstanding Vernaccia di San Gimignano wines.
今天的白有兩款,2014 Vinbrusco 是最平民百姓的酒,我管他叫「白粗」,原來不用有甚麼討論的,大杯喝便是。我開過 2009 五次,奇怪的是每次他都變得更優雅。對這種日用酒我不要求他複雜,但他竟然可以出層次,這便一點都不簡單了。
這種酒像 Dolcetto 或 Rosso di Montalcino 一樣,我看不會有人喝中年酒的,更不要說老酒了。
但一位幸運兒曾喝過一瓶 11 歲的白粗,溫暖的 2000 年竟然有 honey-laced minerality 和 great depth and elegance ﹕
Montenidoli Vinbrusco IGT Toscana 2000
Elegant ambery gold with brilliant tawny reflections and greenish highlights. Elegant bouquet with honey and deft minerality supported by rather languid acidity and slight butterscotch. Very nice, in a hot weather key, and beautifully balanced. The palate reflects the nose, with deft honey-laced minerality supported by pleasant languidity and minerality. Great depth and elegance, and will drink very well with greens and salads, or light soups, or simple fish. It has a great deal to say and one would never guess its age.
92-3 (Kyle Phillips, March 2011)
對喝慣 fine wine 的朋友,2010 Carato 應該最容易明白。Carato 是(小)木桶的意思,這款酒用了酒莊最好的 Vernaccia,在法國小木桶陳釀 12 個月,是最複雜也是最難開的白酒,白的靈魂長著紅的軀體。
主辦者三天前便開瓶,當晚放在最後用來配羊肉,未喝過的人一定被他的勁度嚇一跳,而喝過的人會奇怪新年份竟然開得那麼好。一位喝慣 Burgundy 的朋友唯一的微詞是﹕香氣好,入口的前、中段也好,但到了後段卻突然掉下。我點頭表示同意,但沒有告訴他這款酒真的要耐性,最好等他 20 年,硬要喝新酒,可以聽從十八歲的指示用 double decanting 的方法,又或者依我喝 Barolo 的笨方法,放他一兩個星期。
前年我開過一瓶 2008,第 17 天把餘下一兩杯的份量帶去讓朋友喝,發現其香無比,一位朋友高叫﹕蜂蜜!香氣、口感綿長而優雅,我記下兩字﹕“sheer beauty!”
我建議等 20 年絕不是信口開河。上面提到那位幸運兒便試過 18 歲的第一個年份 1989 Carato,他感到鋼鐵一樣的堅硬,似紅多於白,絕對想像不出他已經 18 歲﹕
Vernaccia di Carato 1989
The first wine Elisabetta fermented in barrels. Lively brassy gold with brassy reflections. The bouquet is clean, with mineral acidity and some hints of gunflint supported by underlying bitterness. It's steely, in a way one associates more with reds than whites, and tremendously deft and exciting. On the palate it's full, and rich, with clean powerful honeysuckle fruit supported by some gunflint and rich minerality that flows into a clean fresh finish. Extraordinarily fresh, and a great delight to drink. One would never guess it's 18 years old.
95 (Kyle Phillips, March 2011)
萬巢之山的紅也精彩。我最近才知道原來 Elisabetta 自 1965 年上山後第一件作品是 1971 的 Chianti,要足足再等 13 年她才釀第一瓶 Vernaccia。大概因為她來自 Veneto 的 Valpolicella 地區,紅是她最早的語言。
我稱 2014 Il Garrulo 為紅粗,與 Vinbrusco 相對,是她最「簡單」的 Chianti,但我寧可說她的酒只有「早優雅」與「晚優雅」之別。這是我喝得最多的萬巢,一年多以前我與十八歲一起喝的一瓶 2010 便不止果香,還有樹林、樹木的典型 Sangiovese 香氣,平衡兼優雅,而且開始出現層次,我絕對相信這款酒可以與比較好的入門版 Chianti Classico 媲美。
2009 Sono Montenidoli 在當晚表現得近乎完美。這款在法國小木桶陳釀 12 個月的頂級 Sangiovese 與 Carato 一樣,都是堅硬無比,需要陳年的酒,當晚卻非常開放,濃烈但很有層次感。這是個比較乾燥的年份,但更重要的是主辦者有耐性三天前便開瓶讓他慢慢瓶醒。
我忍不住要再引 Kyle Phillips 的試酒報告來說明 25 年的耐性有甚麼報酬﹕
Sono Montenidoli 1985
This was made from Sangiovese and Malvasia nera, employing the Governo Toscano technique. It's rich almandine brick with brownish reflections and some brick in the rim. The bouquet is elegant, with rich leaf tobacco and underbrush supported by savory accents and wood smoke. Fully mature and beautiful to sniff. On the palate it's rich, with deft savory minerality supported by savory notes and sloightly leathery accents, with pleasant herbal overtones and savory tannins flowing into a clean savory finish. Tremendous depth and elegance, and it has a wonderful story to tell. A stunning expression of one of the great vintages of the second half of the last century.
95 (Kyle Phillips, March 2011)
十八歲第一個年份的 Chianti 更為驚人,這是一位從沒釀過酒的年輕人的處女作,放了 40 年仍然能喝已經夠奇怪了,如果有人說酒有竟然有 Great depth, combining freshness with elegance and finesse, 他在描述的便可能是夢幻世界的奇景了﹕
Montenidoli Chianti di San Gimignano 1971
Pale almandine ruby with almandine rim. The bouquet is haunting, with balsamic notes and warm acidity laced with savory accents and peppery overtones; this is quick to write but there's a great lot going on. Deft, elegant, and fully mature. Great finesse, and you would never guess it's close to 40 years old. On the palate it's full, and bright, with lively berry fruit supported by clean bright slightly bitter acidity that flows into a clean bitter finish, while the tannins are clean and smooth, with a slight angular burr that flows into a clean savory finish. Great depth, combining freshness with elegance and finesse, and (as I said before) you would never guess it's entering middle age. Franco Ziliani says it's the best wine of the day, adding that it's Fuori Misura, over the top, and displays finezza assoluta — "absolute finesse." It was very good, I agree, but I found some of the Vernaccias to be just as exciting.
92-3 (Kyle Phillips, March 2011)
萬巢之山酒款多得令人目眩,我希望上面的隨筆可以為大家描繪出一個輪廓來,但最後還得大家像 Nicolas Belfrage 的建議那樣﹕
You have to sense it, taste it, relate to it. So I won’t attempt to describe her wines, except to say they’re different. I will merely give you their names and a little information, urging you to track them down.
在出發之前,我想 Kyle Phillips 的提示很管用﹕
Vernaccia di San Gimignano, and especially Elisabetta Fagiuoli's, is a great delight young, but becomes even better if given time.
超過半個世紀以後,萬巢的天地仍然是小眾的,這可能與 Elisabetta 的性格有關。
世俗人的習慣她全不理會,但有一次我也旁觀她發了小脾氣。人家要向她索取一些宣傳資料,她先回答說 “Glories are made to be destroyed.”
This is for people that have eyes more than taste…
附錄一﹕萬巢的 11 個故事
萬巢之山的酒款好像很多,其實十八歲花了半個世紀才編寫出一部比較完整的 San Gimignano 地方志,主角是當地最老的兩位原住民﹕Sangiovese 與 Vernaccia。
11 瓶中有 5 紅、5 白、1 粉紅,Sangiovese 與 Vernaccia 各有三款。
按「早優雅」到「晚優雅」排,Sangiovese 的序列是﹕
- Il Garrulo(含白葡萄的古法 Chianti)
- Chianti(Chianti 近代版,去掉了白葡萄,含 30% Canaiuolo)
- Sono Montenidoli(當代版,純 Sangiovese,法國小木桶陳釀)
- Fiore(自然擠破皮的汁液)
- Tradizionale(連皮浸泡的汁液)
- Carato(當代版,法國小木桶陳釀)
- Colorino(配角當主角);
- Triassico(純 Sangiovese,來自最老的葡萄園,產量稀少,每年的 333 雙瓶莊只供應給基金會)
另兩款白加入了 Trebbiano 與 Malvasia﹕
- Il Vinbrusco(Trebbiano 與 Malvasia)
- Il Templare(70% Vernaccia 之外再加 Trebbiano 與 Malvasia)
我以前多次寫過 Montenidoli,有興趣的朋友可以參看﹕
Kyle Phillips 曾多次在酒莊品試老年份的萬巢之山,請參看﹕