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上星期太太生日,我特別為她準備了一瓶 1978 Chateau Margaux,想帶給她一點驚喜。
近年主要喝意大利酒,來一瓶 Bordeaux 是驚;過去多年,在 Bordeaux 酒中她特別喜歡 Chateau Margaux ,所以1978應該讓她喜。
對 Chateau Margaux 來說,1978是很有歷史意義的一年。經歷了 1960 與 1970 年代的低潮後,當希臘人 André Mentzelopoulos 于1977年買下 Chateau Margaux ,並馬上投入巨資改善葡萄園與釀酒設備,很多人希望 Chateau Margaux 十年八載後會來個大翻身。
但1978一出,所有人都知道 Chateau Margaux 已經回來了。 Robert Parker 便曾語帶誇張地寫道﹕
The immediately acclaimed 1978 Margaux was followed by a succession of brilliantly executed wines that are so stunning, rich, and balanced that it is not unfair to suggest that during the 1980s there was no better wine made in all of Bordeaux than that of Margaux.
我們以前喝過 '81, '85, '86, '88, '94 和 '99,我想我們最喜歡 Margaux 有名的 Iron fist in a velvet glove 的個性。從意大利酒找類比,我想到 Bruno Giacosa ,我認為 Giacosa 在眾多意大利大師當中,是最得剛柔並濟之道的,是最 Margaux 的。
但這晚喝的 1978 ,卻果味與木桶味同樣強烈,這瓶酒好像鬧了精神分裂!看來那 iron fist 不是套在 velvet glove 裏面,而是被橡木燻得快熔了!
這是喝 Bordeaux 最令我們苦惱的地方。去年的一瓶 1982 Las Cases,比這次更嚴重,我認為那瓶可以視為 faulty。
這令我想起去年聽 Jancis Robinson 講她評選好酒的標準,其中一例子是 1996 Latour。酒在當時尚處于嬰兒階段,木桶味很重算是正常不過, Jancis 告訴我們一級酒莊的木桶味是特別香的!
我太太說她絕對受不了木桶味,我笑而不答,只告訴他三十年前我開始喝 Bordeaux 的往事。
我的啟蒙老師是我第一份工作的上司,他說他最享受 the simple joys of life ,但我看他漏掉了前半句﹕「你整份收入能買到的」。
他請我吃法國菜,喝 Bordeaux 酒,Margaux 區大概是他的偏好吧,記得他幫我訂的第一箱酒是 Chateau Lascombes,我搬回家後放在廚房裏!
當時跟他喝過的酒已經沒有留下多少印象,但我記得他非常愛抽煙斗和雪茄。在我記憶中,酒總是跟煙斗味、雪茄味混在一起的,所以我當時把橡木桶味當做酒的正常部分,就像 Jancis 的意思。
驚而不喜的 Margaux 1978 沒有浪費,就當作我們用來感謝 Henry 的啟蒙之恩吧!
Toast to Henry…..原來他是帶壞你的人
[版主回覆08/29/2009 10:03:00]千里之外,某人不停打噴嚏,卻不知道大師在作法!
oh 78, i think should be mature and ready to drink within 3hr+ but the oak still so rich ? not become the part of wine yet ?
[版主回覆08/30/2009 10:24:00]The fruit and the oak are almost equally strong, and that's why I said this is a wine with a split personality. I'd perhaps blame it on barrel variation, but I really can't be sure.
85 margaux 很艷 bor! the one and only margaux tried during a horizontal tasting.
[版主回覆08/30/2009 18:01:00]I had the '85 twice a few years back, and on both occasions I wrote down notes like: fragrant, velvety, charming, and very feminine. In fact, I never had a less than excellent Margaux before. But with annual production of 200,000 bottles, there are bound to be some barrels that are over-toasted, and I should perhaps consider myself lucky to have hit one! In any case, it's better than a corked bottle!