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今年年初,我報名參加了Cottage Vineyards 舉辦的一個Burgundy 酒宴。很久沒有接觸 Burgundy 了,想不到這個 Domaine Michel Juillot 酒宴重新引起了我對Burgundy 的興趣,于是我又買了幾本介紹 Burgundy 的專著,懷著朝聖的心情重訪 Burgundy。
第一次接觸 Burgundy ,是用 Bordeaux 的 palate ,可以說不得其門而入。戴上重量級的 Cabernet Sauvignon 眼鏡去看飄逸的 Pinot Noir ,總覺得力度差了大半截。抱著擒賊先擒王的想法,我曾經找來一瓶 DRC 的 1995 La Tache 一試,酒是很好的,但我想不明白為何值這個價錢。
這次重遊,是我經過 nebbiolo 的洗禮以後的事。我現在的想法是﹕Barolo 和 Barbaresco 應該是 Burgundy 最好的 soul mates 。借用 Sheldon Wasserman 的講法,不妨說 Nebbiolo 與 Pinot Noir 是世界上最高貴的 noble grapes 。
Nebbiolo 與 Pinot Noir 同樣是出了名難伺候的。Nebbiolo 在意大利以外,幾乎沒有人種植,而Pinot Noir 一走出了 Burgundy ,根本是另一回事。究其原因,這兩種葡萄都長在寒帶,天氣、位置與高度,對葡萄的成熟與酒的質量都影響巨大;所謂 terroir ,對這兩兄弟的意義最大。
正因為如此,兩者都以單一葡萄園為上品。不同的是,Burgundy 產自官僚系統最發達的法國,所以他們對葡萄園的分級制度嚴密而清晰,什麼 Grand Cru 、 Premier Cru 、 Village Wine ,很粗略的把品質區分得一清二楚。但 Barolo 與 Barbaresco 卻仍然停留在意大利文藝復興時代,創意有餘,秩序不足。對習慣了法國式產區制度的人,來到意大利,常有掉進五里霧中的感覺。一句話﹕Burgundy 的 branding 做得比 Barolo 與 Barbaresco 好太多了。網友 Kevin 更認為對很多人來說,Burgundy 是 fad and fashion 而已。
(見﹕ )
Branding 做得好,市場自然更大,因此好的Burgundy 都要花天價才買得到,而且還要你的運氣夠好。產量只有 Burgundy 不到一半的 Barolo 與 Barbaresco ,卻便宜得很少有人懂得檢!就以近年的好年份為例,2002年的DRC Romanee Conti 大概要 US$6000 一瓶,但 2001年的 Giacomo Conterno Monfortino ,才US$400 左右。兩者同樣是 Grand Cru 級中的 Grand Cru ,價格竟然相差十多倍!
Burgundy 令我心癢。我最近試過的十多瓶,雖然主要是鄉村級的酒,但已看出葡萄園與釀酒師的作用,與Barolo 、 Barbaresco 相比,是同出一轍的。如果像Barolo 、 Barbaresco 那樣逐個產區、逐個葡萄園、逐個酒莊去試,應該是很好玩的事。
Berry Brothers 的 David Barry Green 便曾如此說﹕
If Serralunga d'Alba's Baroli have a Vosne-Romanée character and quality about them, then those of Castiglione Falletto across the valley resemble Chambolle-Musigny, and Monforte d'Alba, Gevrey Chambertin.
這種類比有趣但意義不大,因為他忽略了一個重大的差異﹕年青的 Burgundy 一般都有很可口的果味,所以可以說沒有難喝的年青Burgundy 。Barolo 卻剛好相反,由于大多數的葡萄園種出來的Nebbiolo 都丹寧豐富,故年青的 Barolo ,是少有討好的。但陳年二、三十年以上的Barolo ,常煥發最迷人的香氣與韻味。至于 Burgundy ,除了少數地區比較好的葡萄園,我看一般是沒法長久陳年的。
但無論如何,由于價錢的原因,我看我對 Nebbiolo 與 Pinot Noir 這對兄弟只好厚此薄彼,多喝 Barolo 與 Barbaresco ,至于 Burgundy ,只能像度假式那樣淺嘗。
附錄﹕ Burgundy 品酒筆記
2004 Bruno Clair Marsannay Grasse-Tetes ($265)
2004 Bruno Clair Morey Saint-Denis En la rue de Vergy ($440)
最對我的口味是Bruno Clair ,他崇尚的是最少干預的方法,新木桶的比例視乎年份而定,一般從20到50%,所以我們試的兩瓶都有一種清新、輕盈的風格。最難得的是連Marsannay 這個次級產區也芬芳撲鼻和具有絲絨一樣的酒體。Morey Saint-Denis En la rue de Vergy 更有一種脂粉的香氣,圓潤而且軟如絲的感覺。En la rue de Vergy 正申請升為一級葡萄園,難怪這麼出色。我認為這兩瓶酒十分超值!
Clive Coates 這樣評價 Bruno Clair ﹕“Bruno Clair is the most important property in the (Marsannay) village … a meticulous winemaker, anxious above all for purity and elegance.”
2004 Robert Arnoux Chambolle Musigny ($580)
2005 Robert Arnoux NSG ‘Les Poisets’ ($660)
2004 Robert Arnoux NSG 1er Cru ‘Les Proces’ ($628)
Robert Arnoux 令我有點搞不懂。Chambolle Musigny 與NSG ‘Les Poisets’ 都有太強的礦物氣味,前者有點鹹與酸,果味卻不多,我完全接受不了,也不像Chambolle Musigny 的風格;後者多一點花香氣味,較 rustic ,但也不大吸引。1er Cru ‘Les Proces’ 算好一點,較優雅,有點 subtle 。
Clive Coates 形容 NSG 的特色是﹕“At their best they can have depth and finesse, as well as richness and structure, but at premier cru rather than grand cru level. Morever there is always a certain minerally, gamey hint of the rustic and a certain leaden footedness that detracts from the real class, definition and flair.”
這似乎是兩瓶 NSG 的表現。究竟我是不喜歡 NSG還是不喜歡 Robert Arnoux 的風格,只好留待以後去印證了。聽說 Robert Arnoux 的主打是 Vosne Romanee ,所以這三瓶或許不可以作準。
2006 Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee ($738)
2006 Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee V.V. ($948)
2006 Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee les Jachees ($1,288)
Domaine Bizot 的三瓶酒很刺激,100% 新木桶,不使用澄清劑並不經過濾,所以新酒也很多沉澱物。有點像 Barolo 酒 La Morra 區的新派酒如 Altare 和 Voerzio 。Vosne Romanee 簡單但可口;V.V. 多一分深度、但香味不耐久;les Jachees 最純、最複雜,有更多力量但細膩仍然欠奉。以酒的表現好像不太值這些價格,但產量只有一兩千瓶,酒莊也要吃飯啊!
2006 Domaine Philippe Charlopin Chambolle Musigny ($598)
2006 Domaine Philippe Charlopin Gevrey-Chambertin V.V. ($678)
2006 Domaine Philippe Charlopin Echezeaux Grand Cru ($1,498)
這幾瓶試得比較匆忙,沒有機會讓酒在杯內充分變化,但感覺是 fruit bomb 風格。後來查看Clive Coates 的介紹,他說﹕”The wines are plump and plumy, well-colored and fullish without being too sturdy. They are of good quality, but are sometimes lacking in true terroir definition; they taste a bit too alike.” 說得一點不錯。 Not my glass of wine!
2005 Domaine Michel Juillot Mercurey 1er Cru ‘Clos des Tonnerre’ ($388)
2004 Domaine Michel Juillot Mercurey 1er Cru ‘Clos des Barraults’ ($418)
這兩瓶酒帶來一點點的驚喜。Clive Coates 是這樣介紹Mercurey 產區的﹕
“Mercurey is the most structured of the Chalonnaise red wines, and this, in leaner years, can take the form of a rather stingy and skeletal character, lacking fruit and flesh. At its best, it is rich and ample though, with a certain earthiness; the best of the Cote Chalonnaise reds.”
對于酒莊,他說﹕ “This is, and justly so, one of the most respected Cote Chalonnaise domains … One must take every step to bring out the terroir characteristics of each wine, according to Juillot’s maxim. ”
他們正如一家快餐連鎖店的口號一樣﹕為你做足一百分。兩瓶 Premier Cru 酒之中,以‘Clos des Tonnerre’ 較有趣,氣味開始時有些火柴盒與白胡椒似的,有點 brooding ,在杯裏有比較好的變化,性格偏向陰柔。‘Clos des Barraults’ 則個子大、很開放和成熟的氣與味,味道放得很盡(high extraction),比較國際口味。我比較喜歡第一瓶,取其較有性格。
認識的前輩酒友中有幾位常講Burgundy 與Piedmont是最相近的,其中一位黃教授寫過這篇大概不會續完了的文章(他也是Nebbiolo重度愛好者):
[版主回覆03/29/2010 17:23:00]謝謝介紹黃教授的大作。幸好黃教授不再介紹 Monfortino 了 ,不然 Barolo 的價格有一天或許會追上 Burgundy ,那晚輩如你我連 Barolo 的晚班車也搭不上了!
又﹕黃教授的 Carema 印象記也拜讀了,很湊巧我最近剛找到 Cantina del Produttori Nebbiolo di Carema 的一瓶 1978 ,完全出于好奇。酒還沒到,如今才知道這是真正的 “piedi del monte”。
Burgundian producers have no room to wiggle, there is no blending as in some Barolo. Market is willing to pay a premium for single vineyards as evidenced in the Barolo. And yes, they are way over-priced as you said, they are master of branding and marketing.
[版主回覆03/29/2010 21:40:00]I think there are "blends" in both Burgundy and Barolo, mainly at the entry level. For some top Barolo producers like Bartolo Mascarello, Giuseppe Rinaldi and Gaja (Barbaresco), however, they intentionally blend according to a traditional formula of striking a good balance between different vineyards (much like Bordeaux producers using different varietals). They are therefore not dissimilar in that respect.
Frankly, Barolo producers deserve a better income from better branding. Our gain is their loss, but such is life.
[版主回覆03/30/2010 17:05:00]黃教授有一篇文章講得很有趣﹕
他的 blind tasting 文章太妙了!
他引的那句 “Barolo is the Bach of wine”也很有趣。
Vinitaly goes to Hong Kong
[版主回覆04/07/2010 23:10:00]我也留意到這段消息。你來香港也很方便嘛!
剛試過 Biondi Santi 的 1985 Riserva,很精彩,似乎比你 2007年7月的經驗好多了。
Biondi Santi 的 1985 Riserva我喝時確實感到不太滿意,但每瓶酒其實都有自己的際遇,狀況不同的可能性也很高(不過以這些名酒來說,有時被虐待過的可能反而比較好喝),而且每個人的口味不同,這種事實在很難說,如果有機會再喝到另一瓶再說囉。
[版主回覆04/08/2010 19:02:00]一個字﹕緣!
Welcome on baord again to Burgundy wine. To me , I seldom drink expensive Burg, my avg budget is mostly less than $400 and I can always find bargain, just need to look closely!!
Chambolle Musigny is my favorite region, at best it has finesse, feminine and extemely fragrant and floral.
Vosne Romanee is more majestic and is so easy to spot it out.
I also bought nice Bourgogne for $130 and is easily rivalling wines that cost $300+!
[版主回覆04/10/2010 07:45:00]Admire your ability to pick the good ones, but I suppose that's built on a lot of trial and error experience. That will be a snail like process for me!
The good thing is Burgundy seems to be widely available, in a relative sense at least.
Thanks for the pointers.
I think doing a lot of research and have the understanding of the vintage, vineyard, maker of the particular wine is utmost important as well as discussing with wine buddies!
There are a lot of mines but if you watch carefully, there will be treasures everywhere and can be so rewarding if you can find one. My motto is to find a great wine is easy…..IF you have unlimited budget, but is more rewarding if you can dig a treasure at a fraction of the cost!
[版主回覆04/10/2010 16:43:00]Thanks. Will work hard on this. Trouble is: I have limited budget, but even more limited time.
wow……… thanks for sharing………… i learn a lot from AM's blog……. now i got more to read and learn from you ……… you guys are brilliant
[版主回覆04/19/2010 10:36:00](Empty)