Liquid Silk﹕2006 Brunello 試酒記(中篇)

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上個月我們與幾位好友品試了五瓶 2006 Brunello 以後,我發現蘇東坡對西湖的這番描述,是最好的概括。

這是一場歷時一個月的 horizontal tasting 的序幕,在細細品試了 20 2006 Brunello 以後,我的感覺有如夢回杭州,心情久久未能平復。

醒來以後,我突然悟出一條簡單的道理﹕Barolo 是理,Brunello 是情,最好的 Brunello,都以情勝

理好說,但情只能親身經歷,可意會,但難以言傳。所以我這裏對 2006 Brunello 的描述,頂多只能當作觀畫展後記下的點滴印象,是邀請而不是分析。無論蘇東坡把西湖寫得有多漂亮,除非你親自走一趟,西湖于你不過是水中月。

我經歷的這場 2006 Brunello 畫展分三個部分﹕淡妝、濃抹與靈隱。



Cerbaiona 我們早在一年前已率先開過一瓶,這也是我們的頭一瓶 2006 Brunello。這瓶酒當時給了我很大的震撼,為此我曾寫了一篇名為Cerbaiona: The Emotional World of Sangiovese 的文章,當時我的感覺是這樣的﹕

我發現葡萄的 fruit Cerbaiona 身上發生了幻變,我們嘗到的已經不僅僅是 fruit ,而是連綿不絕的一種醉人的音樂旋律,整個晚上,我但聽到情人的喁喁細語,就像一條清泉小溪的涓滴,您一定要定神才聽得清他的話語。一絲絲的甜蜜,開始比較微弱,但慢慢由獨奏變成三重奏、四重奏,樂音不響亮,但樂意充滿整個空間。


我的筆記用得最多的詞是 whispering Killing me softly …


一年過後,酒似乎扎實了一點,但柔情仍在,風采依然。有趣的是這次的 2006是與1988 1998兩個年份一起作橫向品試的,他們的風格很一致,我的筆記有這麼一句話﹕The language of SEDUCTION


Antonio Galloni 驚嘆這是“a mythical, legendary wine in the making”Stephen Tanzer  “reminiscent of a top Chambolle-Musigny”,老子說「有物混成,先天地生」,想不到從來都不是我的那杯酒的James Suckling 講得最妙,他大呼這是 “liquid silk”,這可以說是對淡抹Brunello最形象化的寫照。其實 Sheldon Wasserman 常用 liquid silk 來形容像 Bartolo Mascarello 那種很飄逸的 Barolo,我覺得這幾瓶淡抹Brunello都可以說是Bartolo 風格的liquid silk

我一直都不明白一個退休的意航飛機師為何能做出如此有仙氣的酒,最近讀Brunello 專家 Kerin O’Keefe 的新著,才知道原來他背後有 Gambelli magic

Once he arrived in Montalcino (in 1977), Diego befriended Giulio Gambelli, who “taught me how to make and age Brunello”.

[Brunello di Montalcino, p. 122]


Stella di Campalto 是另一瓶很世外感覺的Brunello。兩年前我花了很大力氣去研究 Brunello,在試了40 Brunello 後,我是這樣寫 Stella di Campalto 的﹕


40 Brunello 中最令我難忘的是 2004 Stella di Campalto ,這是酒莊的處女作,她有種輕紗一樣的夢幻色彩,仿若出水芙蓉。我覺得這是很 feminine 的演繹,但奇怪的是莊主卻嫌 2004 masculine

見前文﹕From Burgundy to Brunello

這次試的 2006 保持了她那不吃人間煙火的風格,要訴諸文字的話,我會說「純真無瑕、unforced naturalness」。但就如崇尚 natural wine Alice Feiring 引一位 biodynamics 忠實信徒所言,最天然的酒應該像一首歌﹕

I’ve been thinking about what makes a wine.  I am very interested in this sort of thing, the song.  A wine must have a song.

[Alice Feiring, Naked Wine, p. 70]

不同的是,她的歌是 Tom Waits “Waltzing Matilda”,而我想起的是貝多芬的第六交響曲「田園」。請聽第一、二樂章,想像永遠在鬥爭中的樂聖有一天跑到處處有淙淙流水的野外,他聽到的天籟之聲,是來自基督教的上帝的。這是從古典走到浪漫時期的微妙的一刻。一旦跨進浪漫時代,大自然便讓位給個人了。


這也是我對 Stella di Campalto 的體會。如果沒有 Kerin O’Keefe 的一句話,Stella 可能一筋斗便跨進浪漫時代了﹕

Stella clearly remembers the first time I tried her Rosso during the Benvenuto Brunello press tasting in February 2004, when I frankly commented on their massive tannins and almost scorching alcohol.  “When you told me they were unbalanced and dominated by alcohol, you did me a great favor,” remembers the winemaker when I visited her estate in 2009.  “At the time I thought I wanted to make the big and bold style that everyone assumed the market wanted, but I realized after talking with you that those wines were difficult to drink.  Since then, my goal has been to make Brunellos with elegance and balance,” adds Stella.

[Brunello di Montalcino, p. 248]

聽君一席話之後,Stella big and bold 的浪漫邊緣回歸到elegance and balance 的古典風格,她信奉了 biodynamics,此外也塗了一抹 Gambelli magic

Although Stella makes all final decisions, she proudly admits that before bottling, Brunello’s undisputed maestro, Giulio Gambelli, tastes the wines and shares his views on the final assembly of grapes from the various parcels for the Brunellos and Rossos. 

[Brunello di Montalcino, p. 249]



Sesti 這瓶 2006 最難以名狀。我應該說他奇特還是怪異呢?一種頹廢的風格(decadent),有種陳舊、涼果似的氣味,很柔弱、細緻,帶著半腐化的花朵、濕石子等的感覺,像陳醋的酸帶著涼果的甜。一句話﹕他的新酒像老酒。說他像Burgundy 有點不敬,但如果我不用 Burgundy 打比喻,也實在難以令你想像這是什麼樣的Brunello


Antonio Galloni “There is an element of quirkiness that I find fascinating”,而 Stephen Tanzer 更語不驚人誓不休的說﹕“Reminded me of both Burgundy and Lafite”

我想莊主Giuseppe Sesti 之所以奇特是因為他一直是個門外漢,但正因為帶著新眼光,所以他的作品完全不落俗套。Kerin O’Keefe 說﹕“Sesti’s winemaking is best described as ultranatural”,也就是比天然還要天然。這是又一種 elegance and balance, 用的是沒有矯飾、很直接的語言,所以是上品。

Giuseppe Sesti 一直是研究天文學的,出版了很多這方面的專著,很多酒莊鄰居因為他的英語好常找他當翻譯,意外的令他愛上了 BrunelloKerin Giuseppe 的話對這段經歷有很有趣的描述﹕

I really did it because after many hours of translating for the wineries and the visiting importers and journalists, I was awarded with: The Lunch.  For me this was a highly anticipated event, especially when the producer’s wife brought out steaming plates of pinci with tomato and garlic sauce, followed by wild boar and pecorino cheese, all accompanied by old and recent vintages of Brunello.

[Brunello di Montalcino, p. 226]




我們這次試過的淡妝型Brunello,還有classy Altesino、純淨的Pietroso 和從容的Agostina PieriLe Chiuse 比較緊閉,暫時難窺其真貌。

今天真的能稱得上為liquid silk 的極品,我認為是 CerbaionaStella di Campalto Sesti 這三瓶,原因是他們有靈魂。[Castello di Ama 的莊主 Marco Pallanti 有一句名言﹕“Today, all wine is good.  The difference is whether it has‘soul’ or not.”]




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