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另一個名叫 Aldo Conterno 的意大利人在同一年也在尋他的 Bussia 之夢,他從他的三塊寶地採出大地最甜美的汁液,歷時七年鑄成名叫「大哉 Bussia」的作品,有人笑他是傻瓜,問他誰會買一瓶要十年以至二十年才開始成熟的酒?他的心裏卻只想著他的 Granbussia,和歷久不衰的 Barolo。
上星期與老伙伴思聰敘舊,我特別開了兩瓶 Aldo Conterno 1989 來與他一起慶祝百會的二十二歲。
說起來思聰很像 Aldo Conterno,今天仍然默默的在尋夢,他覺得他不過換了個名字在做百會的事情。記得多年前他跟我說過多賣出一本書壞人便少一個,每想起他這句話都令我既敬佩又慚愧。
所以與他一起品嘗 Aldo Conterno 的1989,正是別有一番滋味在心頭。
1989 Granbussia 這次是第三次喝,幾瓶的狀況都不一樣。
Antonio Galloni 在2007 年酒莊主辦的一場 Granbussia 評試會中認定 1989 是造得最好的,他當時說﹕
The 1989 Barolo Riserva Granbussia remains in my opinion the single most profound vintage for this wine, and one of the great all-time Barolos. Still youthful and fresh, this intensely flavored Barolo offers a compelling mix of smoke, licorice, tar, leather cherries with notable purity of expression vibrancy in its fruit, and finessed, silky tannins. It is a beautifully proportioned wine that is sure to provide much pleasure over the next 10-15 years. 97
Curiously, two bottles I tasted at the estate were more forward than several I have had in the US recently.
所以三瓶表現各異的 1989 Granbussia 算是正常的。
Granbussia 的葡萄來自三個葡萄園﹕Cicala 陽剛、Colonnello 陰柔、最主要的 Romirasco 則優雅,所以 Granbussia 的性格是優雅為主的。
我們品試的另一瓶 1989 來自 Colonnello 葡萄園,這是 Aldo Conterno 最早熟的 single cru,所以剛開瓶的時候發現只有很乾淨、清純的微甜果味,我本以為這是正常的。但下杯以後,酒竟然不斷變得開放與豐滿,圓潤兼甜美,每一杯都比上一杯好,令人驚喜。Colonnello 代表的,是一種無牽掛的 simple joy of life,沒有夢想那麼浪漫,但很實在,此刻我尚有何求?
這一年來還試過另外三瓶 1989 Barolo,在這裏也做個簡單的記述﹕
2011.3.12 Roberto Voerzio Barolo Cerequio
Roberto Voerzio 今天是最響噹噹的「現代派」,但他自立門戶後的第二個作品從釀造過程來看還是相對傳統的﹕大、小木桶的陳年時間各佔一半。以 1989 那麼經典的年份來說,這瓶酒算有點過熟,但他那種果味渾然一體的標誌風格在這裏已經一覽無遺。我常常想 Isole e Olena 的 Cepparello 最有Roberto Voerzio 的味道。很有趣的是﹕Galloni 的一篇報道裏說 Voerzio 的靈感是主要是來自傳統派的﹕
Though often lumped in with the modern school in Barolo, Voerzio takes his greatest inspiration from the masters of the traditional school, including Bruno Giacosa, Giovanni Conterno and Beppe Rinaldi, all men he still speaks about with the highest respect and admiration. I was amazed to see Voerzio open a number of reference-point Barolos from these producers at the end of this tasting; a decidedly high risk proposition, given the icon status of those bottles. I can’t think of another producer – particularly one with a relatively short track record – so willing to put everything on the line in openly comparing his wines to the acknowledged masterpieces of the region.
2011.4.2 Bartolo Mascarello Barolo
這瓶比較熟,很泥土,很深沉,很 Burgundian。
2011.10.19 Seghesio Barolo La Villa